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Iowa CLE Requirements

Rule 41.3 Continuing legal education requirement.


41.3(1) Each attorney admitted to practice in this state shall complete a minimum of 15 hours of legal education accredited by the commission, during each calendar year. The commission is authorized, pursuant to guidelines established by the Supreme Court, to determine the number of hours for which credit will be given for particular courses, programs or other legal education activities. Under rules to be promulgated by the Supreme Court, an attorney may be given credit in one or more succeeding calendar years, not exceeding two such years, for completing more than 15 hours of accredited education during any one calendar year.

41.3(2) The 15 hours required by rule 41.3(1) shall include a minimum of 2 hours, every two calendar years, devoted exclusively to the area of legal ethics. Excess hours of education devoted to legal ethics can be carried over for purposes of the annual 15-hour requirement under rule 41.3(1) but cannot be carried over beyond the two-year period for the special legal ethics requirement under this rule.

41.3(3) Commencing July 1, 2002, up to 6 hours of the 15 hours required by rule 41.3(1) each calendar year may be obtained through completion of computer-based legal education accredited by the commission. [Court Order April 9, 1975; December 6, 1978; January 8, 1988; November 9, 2001, effective February 15, 2002; February 22, 2002]

Rule 41.4 Annual fee and report by attorneys to commission.


41.4(1) On or before March 1 of each year, each attorney admitted to practice in this state shall pay to the commission a prescribed fee for costs of administering this chapter.

41.4(2) On or before March 1 of each year, each attorney admitted to practice in this state shall make a written report to the commission, in such form as the commission shall prescribe, concerning completion of accredited legal education during the preceding calendar year; provided, however, that an attorney shall not be required to comply with this rule nor comply with the continuing legal education requirements set forth in rule

41.3 for the year during which the attorney was admitted to practice. Each annual report shall be accompanied by proof satisfactory to the commission that the attorney has met the requirements for continuing legal education for the calendar year for which such report is made.

41.4(3) Each attorney admitted to practice in this state shall make a written report to the commission, in such form as the commission shall prescribe, concerning completion of accredited legal ethics education. The report is to be filed on or before March 1 following completion of each two-year period under the requirement. An attorney shall not be required to comply with this requirement for the year of admission to practice.

41.4(4) All attorneys who fail by March 1 of each year to file the annual report or to pay the prescribed fee shall, in addition, pay a penalty of $25 unless the envelope containing the annual report and prescribed fee is postmarked on or before March 1.

41.4(5) An attorney seeking reinstatement after being suspended for failure to comply with the provisions of this rule shall pay a fee of $50. [Court Order April 9, 1975; August 28, 1975; August 12, 1980; January 8, 1988; January 24, 2000; November 9, 2001, effective February 15, 2002]

Rule 41.5 Penalty for failure to satisfy continuing legal education requirements.

41.5(1) Attorneys who fail to comply with the provisions of rule 41.4 or who file a report showing on its face that they have failed to complete the required number of hours of continuing legal education may have their right to practice law suspended by the supreme court, provided that at least 30 days prior to such suspension, notice of such delinquency has been served upon them in the manner provided for the service of original notices in Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.305 or has been forwarded to them by restricted certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to them at their last-known address. Such attorneys shall be given the opportunity during said 30 days to file in the office of the clerk of the supreme court an affidavit disclosing facts demonstrating their noncompliance was not willful and tendering such documents and sums and penalties which, if accepted, would cure the delinquency, or to file in duplicate in the office of clerk of the supreme court a request for hearing to show cause why their license to practice law should not be suspended. A hearing shall be granted if requested. If, after hearing, or failure to cure the delinquency by satisfactory affidavit and compliance, an attorney is suspended, the attorney shall be notified thereof by either of the two methods above provided for notice of delinquency.

41.5(2) Any attorney suspended pursuant to this chapter shall do all of the following:


a. Within 15 days in the absence of co-counsel, notify clients in all pending matters to seek legal advice elsewhere, calling attention to any urgency in seeking the substitution of another lawyer.


b. Within 15 days deliver to all clients being represented in pending matters any papers or other property to which they are entitled or notify them and any co-counsel of a suitable time and place where the papers and other property may be obtained, calling attention to any urgency for obtaining the papers or other property.


c. Within 30 days refund any part of any fees paid in advance that have not been earned.


d. Within 15 days notify opposing counsel in pending litigation or, in the absence of such counsel, the adverse parties, of the suspension and consequent disqualification to act as a lawyer after the effective date of such discipline.

e. Within 15 days file with the court, agency, or tribunal before which the litigation is pending a copy of the notice to opposing counsel or adverse parties.

f. Keep and maintain records of the steps taken to accomplish the foregoing.

g. Within 30 days file proof with the supreme court and with the Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board of complete performance of the foregoing, and this shall be a condition for application for readmission to practice.

41.5(3) Any attorney suspended pursuant to this chapter shall refrain, during such suspension, from all facets of the ordinary law practice including, but not limited to, the examination of abstracts; consummation of real estate transactions; preparation of legal briefs, deeds, buy and sell agreements, contracts, wills and tax returns; and acting as a fiduciary. Such suspended attorney may, however, act as a fiduciary for the estate, including a conservatorship or guardianship, of any person related to the suspended attorney within the second degree of affinity or consanguinity.

41.5(4) In addition, any attorney who willfully fails to comply with this chapter may be subject to disciplinary action as provided in chapter 35 of the Iowa Court Rules, upon report filed by the commission with the disciplinary board.

41.5(5) For good cause shown, the commission may, in individual cases involving hardship or extenuating circumstances, grant waivers of the minimum educational requirements or extensions of time within which to fulfill the same or make the required reports. [Court Order April 9, 1975; November 21, 1977; December 6, 1978; January 15, 1979; August 12, 1980; April 25, 1985; December 15, 1994, effective January 3, 1995; November 9, 2001, effective February 15, 2002; April 20, 2005, effective July 1, 2005]


Rule 41.6 Confidentiality. Unless otherwise directed by the supreme court, the files, records and proceedings of the commission, as they relate to or arise out of any failure of any attorney to satisfy the requirements of this chapter, shall be deemed confidential and shall not be disclosed, except in furtherance of its duties or upon the request of the attorney affected, or as they may be introduced in evidence or otherwise produced in proceedings taken in accordance with this chapter. [Court Order April 9, 1975; November 9, 2001, effective February 15, 2002]

Rule 41.7 Inactive practitioners. A member of the bar who is not engaged in the practice of law in the state of Iowa as defined in Iowa Ct. R. 39.7, upon application to the commission, may be granted a waiver of compliance with this chapter and obtain a certificate of exemption. No person holding such certificate of exemption shall practice law in this state until reinstated. The supreme court will make rules and regulations governing the continuing legal education requirements for reinstatement of attorneys who, for any reason, have not theretofore been entitled to practice law in this state for any period of time subsequent to their admission to the bar. [Court Order April 9, 1975; November 9, 2001, effective February 15, 2002]

Rule 41.8 Application of this chapter. This chapter shall apply to every person licensed to practice law in the state of Iowa. [Court Order April 9, 1975; November 9, 2001, effective February 15, 2002]

Rule 41.9 Compliance with Iowa rules of professional conduct.


41.9(1) Each lawyer describing the lawyer’s practice as permitted by Iowa Rs. of Prof’l Conduct 32:7.4(a) and (c) shall report annually the lawyer’s compliance with the eligibility requirements of Iowa R. of Prof of Conduct 32:7.4(e) on a form approved by the commission. A lawyer may report compliance with the requirement for percentage or hours of practice by providing a statement of compliance.

41.9(2) In reporting compliance with the continuing legal education requirements, the lawyer shall identify the specific courses and hours that apply to each designated or indicated field of practice. The lawyer may obtain up to six hours of the continuing legal education requirement for each designated or indicated field of practice through completion of computer-based legal education courses accredited by the commission.

41.9(3) If, due to hardship or extenuating circumstances, a lawyer is unable to complete the hours of accredited continuing legal education during the preceding calendar year as required by rule 32:7.4(e), the lawyer may apply to the commission for an extension of time in which to complete the hours. No extension of time shall be granted unless written application for the extension is made on a form prescribed by the commission. An extension of time shall not exceed a period of six months immediately following the last day of the year in which the requirements were not met.

41.9(4) The portion of the report required by this rule shall be considered public information. [Court Order April 20, 2005, effective July 1, 2005]

Inside Iowa CLE Requirements