Supreme Court Rules
1. Subject to the carry forward provisions of subparagraph 2 hereof, each active member, including each active member who is also a member of the judiciary of the State of Nevada, who is not entitled to an exemption under Rule 214, shall complete, during each calendar year, a minimum of 12 hours of accredited educational activity, as defined by the regulations adopted by the board. Of the 12 hours, at least 2 shall be exclusively in the area of ethics and professional conduct.
2. Commencing with the 1999 calendar year, any active member who completes more than 12 hours of accredited educational activity in any calendar year may carry forward 15 hours of such excess credit and apply the same to such member’s general educational requirement for the next 2 calendar years. Commencing with the 1999 calendar year, any active member may also carry over ethics and professional conduct educational credit hours and apply the same to such member’s ethics and professional conduct educational requirement for the next 2 calendar years. Each active member desiring to carry forward credit hours shall report in advance the intent of the active member to carry forward such credit hours by stating that intent in the form required to be filed annually with the board under Rule 211.
3. The board may grant, under such conditions as the board may prescribe, a program or course sponsor the status of an accredited sponsor. The effect of having the status of an accredited sponsor is that any active member attending or participating in any course or program sponsored by an accredited sponsor, under such conditions as the board may prescribe, may automatically be entitled to receive credit for such attendance or participation in such course or program.
[Added; effective February 19, 1982; amended effective July 31, 1999.]